
Tenth Street Family Dental

Dentists located in Indianapolis, IN

When you smile, do you try to hide a discolored or chipped tooth? Ronald Rogers, DDS, at Tenth Street Family Dental in Indianapolis, Indiana, wants to help you smile brighter with dental veneers. If you’re worried about the appearance of your teeth, call the office for available appointment times with Dr. Rogers or book an appointment online right now.

Veneers Q & A

What are veneers?

Dental veneers are a thin shell or covering for your tooth. The veneer covers the surface of your tooth with precise shape, size, and color, making it indistinguishable from your natural teeth.

Dr. Rogers uses veneers for enhancing the appearance of your smile as a cosmetic procedure. Because veneers aren’t invasive, the procedure is considered pain-free, with most patients not even needing anesthesia.

What do veneers correct?

Some teeth become thin, stained, or chipped with use. Dr. Rogers suggests veneers as a solution for correcting these cosmetic issues. Some common reasons Dr. Rogers uses veneers on your teeth are:

  • Discoloration
  • Staining
  • Crooked or misshapen appearance
  • Irregular spacing
  • A break or a chip

Dr. Rogers and his experienced staff will evaluate your teeth and explain if you’re a candidate for dental veneers.

Are there different types of veneers?

Dental veneers are typically made of either porcelain or composite resin. Porcelain veneers offer higher stain resistance and durability, as well as a more natural look in color and shape.

Resin veneers aren’t as durable but are generally less expensive. Dr. Rogers applies them directly to your tooth then shapes them instead of having a laboratory make them, like porcelain veneers.

What is it like getting veneers?

Dr. Rogers recommends two visits for dental veneers. During your first visit, he prepares your tooth for bonding of your veneer. He may file down your tooth slightly, which helps the veneer bond tighter. After he prepares your tooth, he takes a mold of it.

If you receive a porcelain tooth, the mold gives the laboratory the exact shape and size of your tooth needing the veneer. Dr. Rogers may place a temporary veneer on your tooth until your permanent one is ready. If you receive a resin veneer, Dr. Rogers applies it after preparing your tooth for bonding.

During your second visit, Dr. Rogers removes your temporary veneer. He checks it for proper fit then places it onto your tooth. Once he places the veneer, he makes any adjustments or addresses any concerns about the way it looks. When both you and Dr. Rogers agree with the look of your veneer, he bonds it permanently into place.

Having to hide your smile because of a discolored or broken tooth isn’t ideal. Speak with Dr. Rogers at Tenth Street Family Dental about restoring your smile. Book an appointment online or call the office and speak with the warm and friendly staff today.