You Shouldn't Delay a Recommended Root Canal: Here's Why

You Shouldn't Delay a Recommended Root Canal: Here's Why

Root canals are common procedures, with about 41,000 patients undergoing this type of therapy every day. Unfortunately, they’re also one of the most misunderstood and often-delayed dental procedures. 

This largely comes down to bad information. Rumors abound about how painful, difficult, and time-consuming root canals are. But, if you talk to anyone who’s actually had a root canal recently, the story is usually just the opposite. 

Root canals at Tenth Street Family Dental are simply a way to remove a serious infection, restore your tooth, and get you back to life without tooth pain. None of those things are painful, thanks to our team of highly trained expert dentists and leading-edge dental methods. Most root canals take just one visit to our Indianapolis, Indiana, office. 

We understand that most people aren’t eager to schedule dental work, and that’s why we really go the extra mile to make root canals comfortable, understandable, and easy. 

One of the main ways we do this is patient education, and that’s exactly what today’s blog is about. Keep reading to learn why we recommend root canals and why delaying a recommended root canal is a big mistake. 

When we recommend a root canal

Our dentists may recommend a root canal when your tooth damage is too severe to be treated with a filling. If you need a root canal, it means that your pulp the nerves, blood vessels, and other tissues within your tooth is damaged. Since fillings aren’t an option at that point, a root canal is an effective way to save your natural tooth and avoid extraction. 

The root canal process involves removing the pulp, cleaning the pulp chamber, and filling the empty chamber with biocompatible material. In most cases, your dentist then places a custom-made crown (tooth “cap”) over your tooth to fully restore its strength and function. You receive local anesthesia so it’s a virtually painless process. 

What happens when you delay a root canal

If you don’t have a root canal when you need it, the infection might worsen. Pus can accumulate and form an abscess, causing severe pain and fever. 

The infection can spread to the other parts of your mouth, including the nearby teeth and even the bone beneath your teeth. In the most severe cases, the infection could spread to your blood, brain, or entire body, becoming life-threatening. You could need emergency care or even life-saving measures at some point. 

A root canal is a much simpler and easier process than having an urgent tooth extraction and getting an entirely new tooth (a dental implant or bridge). It’s always best to preserve your natural teeth if at all possible. It’s healthier and cheaper than replacing your tooth, too. 

The bottom line is that if you need a root canal, the problem isn’t going to vanish on its own. Unfortunately, the problem will only worsen (and get more complicated and expensive) the longer you wait.  At Tenth Street Family Dental, we make the root canal therapy process comfortable and easy, so don’t delay anymore. Call us or connect with us online now for help.

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